

全球赌博十大网站 is committed to improve, to conserve and to enhance our environment by practicing sustainability while creating healthy living through interactive learning, 社会参与, 正在进行的研究. 本着这种努力的精神, the College Board has established a 绿色行动 Program in 2010 consistent with the best sustainability practices of higher education and our colleagues at Camden County.


The CCC 绿色团队 was formed from a diverse group of individuals to encour年龄 the pursuit of sustainability. 绿色行动 accomplishments include: campus-wide recycling program, switch to green certified cleaning products, reduced fare passes for public transportation, 建设校园温室, increased campus tree planting and landscaping, 地球日的庆祝和活动, use of document imaging to reduce reliance of paper files, and the review of all construction projects to encour年龄 discussion of alternate material/methods with the focus of reducing the carbon footprint of the College.



A partial listing of books from the College 图书馆 available 持有效的CCC图书证:

  • 气候变化 辩论作者:David E. 牛顿
    (呼叫号码QC903 .N495 2020)
  • 废物管理 作者:David E. 牛顿
    (呼叫号码HD9975 .A2 N49 2020)
  • 为什么好人会做对环境有害的事情 伊丽莎白·R. DeSombre
    (呼叫号码GE195 .D466 2018)

A partial listing of eBooks accessible through the CCC图书馆 持有效的CCC图书证:


  • Gateway to government 年龄ncies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. 林业局和美国.S. 地质调查- http://www.science.gov/
  • Site dedicated to global climate change sponsored by NASA – http://climate.nasa.gov/
  • 〇国家公园管理局 http://www.nps.gov/索引.htm
  • 〇环境保护基金 http://www.edf.org/


      • All exterior parking lot and roadway lighting have been replaced with high efficiency LED lighting, 设置一个计时器, leading to a projected energy savings of 70%.
      • 学院使用的材料, 从沥青和混凝土铺路, 到金属废料, 都是可回收的, reducing solid waste disposal significantly.
      • 更换老化部件, energy wasting electrical infrastructure with a modern energy efficient electrical system.
      • Inviting outdoor leisure areas have been designated to provide recreation space for students while raising appreciation of our natural environments.
      • Exterior plantings around campus are drought resistant and low maintenance native species.
      • An additional transportation hub was created to promote convenient use public transportation.
      • 所有建筑改造, 更新, and reconstructions include energy man年龄ment systems such as automatic heat setbacks, 以及运动检测灯开关.
      • High-volt年龄 electrical service replaced the original overhead service. These energy man年龄ment initiatives reduce lighting and HVAC energy consumption.
      • Commitment to the purchase of renewable, reusable, recycled material.
      • Electric charging stations at our Blackwood Campus provide convenience to students, 教师, 工作人员, and visitors who use Electric Vehicles (EVs).
      • 33 water filling stations have been installed across all locations. The water filling stations have saved approximately 323,750* water bottles since installation. *截至2024年2月.
      • A 1-mile Nature Walk has been developed on the Blackwood Campus with 21 informational signposts about plant species observable throughout the walk. 18 of the 21 identified species on the walk are native to the area. Conducted tours are available; contact eramiezwright@xyschool.net.
      • A native plant garden thrives on the southside of Halpern Hall, 并由学生和教师维护.
      • 全球赌博十大网站 was awarded a $167,550.43 Trees for Schools grant to fund the costs associated with the purchase and planting of trees including planning, 现场准备, 浇水, monitoring and related expenses over a three-year period. The trees will be planted at the 卡姆登城市校区, and at the 威廉G. 樱桃山的Rohrer中心.